The Boundary Commission for England has proposed changes to Westminster constituency boundaries (a completely separate step from the recent changes to ward boundaries) as part of the 2023 review process. You can download the proposals for Walthamstow here:
They keep the current boundaries exactly as they are. This is a proposal which the London Regional Labour Party supports, and which Walthamstow Constituency Labour Party also declared its support for at a recent Executive meeting. A submission to the Commission stating this has been made.
Our previous experience tells us if we approve of proposals we should make this very clear to the Commission. They have invited comments to be submitted by 2nd August and anyone can make a submission. There are likely to be many critical comments from opposition parties which might influence the final set of proposals from the Commission in response to the public consultation.
If, as a Walthamstow resident, you want the vibrant community of Walthamstow to be reflected in its parliamentary representation then do please let the Commission know you approve!