Why 700 for Walthamstow

The Boundary Commission reviewed the boundaries of Westminster parliamentary constituencies, following legislation in 2011 to reduce their number, and make them more equal in size. It reported in 2018. Parliament has never debated this review, and is now very unlikely to.

In a similar review in 2011, the Commission initially included a Walthamstow constituency, but later eliminated it. '700 for Walthamstow' aimed to get local people, appalled by this, to send written responses to the Commission. In all around 1000 were sent (though the whole process was stopped in 2012 when parliament voted to stop it).

2012 - Video - One Voice

All the information on this page is from the 2012 process, and has no bearing on the current - 2016 - process
(Some of the links on this page may have expired)

One voice for Walthamstow - the (90 second) Movie
Walthamstow is an incredible mix of people - all saying the same thing: don't abolish Walthamstow!

What can you do?
  • The most important action is to write to the Boundary Commission by December 9th
  • The second most important is to ask your friends, colleagues, neighbours etc etc to do the same
Help in writing to the Commission is HEREWrite by next Monday December 10th
More info:
  • What to say - some points to raise with the Boundary Commission
  • Help with your letter
  • Links
  • News - Our video, Don't assume the changes won't happen, What the London Plan says
  • Maps
  • Why it's a BAD THING - the case against the proposals
  • Pictures - an example of the present boundary, and of the proposed boundary
  • NEW Our video - One voice for Walthamstow - brilliant work by Sian, Lorraine, and their team. Thanks to all involved!

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